to solve them and stimulate the co-operation and relationship between two nations.
The aim of the first day program was to make the youth closer through different activities , which helped them to familiarize with each other and keeping patience and tolerance during the discussion of controversial topics.
he next day , during the discussion of the problems , it was noticed that both sides cared about nearly the same problems, such as destructive approach to the Georgian and Armenian media discussing a certain problem, Armenians being considered as second-class by some of the Georgian public sector, churches considered problematic, historical irregularities , language and other problems.
After the discussion of these problems the youth came to the following decisions:
-to create new youth organizations, where the youth of the both nations will be able to discuss the problems, to solve them, to co-operate with each other on different topics and also try to make their voice to be heard outside;
- to organize joint events for the pupils of both nations;
- to organize one-week hospitalities in Georgian and Armenian families with the purpose of being acquainted with each other’s culture and integration;
- to organize joint camping.
At the end of the meeting the youth welcomed such program in Akhaltskha and in addition they mentioned that the city population treat each other well avoiding existing problems. According to the participants warm relationship between two nations is based on such small groups, where conflicts are solved in close and warm atmosphere without any offence. After the completion of the training the participant received the certificates.
The program was held by The World Bank in Georgia.